
Dresden, 14th of july 2022

Selgros Dresden

Presentation of our egg-liqueur in the Selgros. 

On this day, we offered visitors our egg-liqueur cocktail and egg-liqueur ice cream to try for free right at the entrance to the SELGRO Dresden.

The visitors were extremely happy when they were able to test our products

Our product is currently listed in the two SELGROS stores in Dresden and Radeberg, at EDEKA and of course in our restaurant.

Köln, 12th of August 2022

Handelshof Köln Müngersdorf

Tasting and introduction to the range in the Handelshof Köln Müngersdorf. It was a great day for us and for the people who tried our cocktail. Everyone who tried was satisfied and gave us positive compliments. 




Köln, 13th of August 2022

Handelshof Köln Poll

Tasting in the Handelshof Köln Poll. It was a great day for us and for the people who tried our cocktail. Everyone who tried was satisfied and gave us positive compliments. Everytime someone try our cocktail, we are extemely happy about the resonance.

Dresden, 19th - 21th of August 2022

Cityfestival Dresden

We were on the big Cityfestival in Dresden. With our cocktail stand we were able to inspire many people for something new and more important for something they never tried before. We are from Dresden so this Event was really special for us. It meaned a lot to us, sharing our newest Product with random Strangers to get a instant Feedback. We also offered a autograph session with Jonas Greif who is a profesional racing driver. Thanks for having us there.

Be enchanted by the creaminess and freshness.

Contact Us

Kobers innovation GmbH Schandauer Str. 26a 01309 Dresden, Deutschland
